The theory of the Universe being infinite is a problematic theory for many human minds to grasp and indeed if the Universe is infinite the humans do not have a comparable reference, as everything else around us is finite isn't it?.People do not often grasp this concept of an infinite Universe although they should, but when the human mind does not have such a reference point they find it hard to contemplate, it is like a little flaw, which really bothers them? Interesting indeed.Recently this subject came up in an online think tank and it was discussed at length on think tanker made an interesting observation there when he stated: "When it comes to the "how" and "why", there is an inherent conflict between science and the various religions.".This was followed by another think tanker who stated; "Yes and I suppose one who subscribes to no religion, as you have stated you are an atheist; well then such perspective allows one to handle this in a much keener way and without baggage of religious dogma and contradiction. That is to say without in-box thinking.
".The discussion got more abstract and more philosophical as the atheist think tanker stated; "The scientific version of the questions which all religions attempt to answer you state to be: "What came before the BB?, Who created the god(s)?, How did we get here?, Why are we here?".Indeed there are reasons why the human mind thru education, observation and religious belief systems cannot easily understand the infinite universe concept and thus another thinker stated in conclusion; "Well good points, I think I will use this in the future with others in conversation on this subject when this comes up, so thanks that was good philosophy.".Do you believe the Universe is infinite? Do you have problems comprehending that or perhaps do not believe it at all? What are your thoughts on this concept or have you considered this topic? Well perhaps you will think on this in 2006.
."Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.
By: Lance Winslow